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UpToDate Patient Information
Includes two types of articles for patient information:
- The Basics are one to three pages and written according to the principles of Plain Language. They answer the four or five most important questions a person might have about a medical problem and are perfect for readers who want a general overview.
- Beyond the Basics are five to ten pages and more detailed than The Basics. Beyond the Basics are best for readers who want detailed information and are comfortable with technical medical terms.
Selected Websites for Patient Education
Members of the nursing profession are asked questions about health care by patients on a daily basis. The sharing of health care education with patients is one of the most important responsibilities of nursing. The following list is selected among the many quality websites that promote health education and is based on popularity and recommendations of nursing personnel.
- CDC: Learning ConnectionLocate learning products and resources from across the public health community to help improve your public health knowledge and skills. Includes videos, podcasts, publications and links. Sponsored by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- The Emily Center - Family Health LibraryThe Emily Center is the most comprehensive pediatric health library in the Southwest, providing materials about child health, injury, and illness. Search or browse The Emily Center for handouts, links, and support groups or request health information online.
- EthnoMedPatient education resources in different languages on over twenty major topics practice. EthnoMed is an ethnic medicine website containing medical and cultural information about immigrant and refugee groups. Practitioners can also download patient education pamphlets in many different languages to distribute to their patients.
- girlshealth.govThis website, part of womenshealth.gov, provides girls ages 10-16 with information on fitness, nutrition, stress management, relationships with friends and family, peer pressure, suicide, drugs, self-esteem, safety, and other topics in an interactive, user-friendly format.
- Health and Aging PublicationsSponsored by the National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Aging. Topics range from Alzheimer's Disease to Women's Health. Single page publications and full-length brochures.
- Health FinderSponsored by the federal government. Reliable information on over 1,600 health topics, Service and Health Provider locator, Quick Guide to Healthy Living, interactive personal health tool, health news.
- Louisiana Health FinderConsumers may research and compare facilities and providers, learn how to get better care, locate a provider, compare prescription drug prices and much more.
- Health Information TranslationsGives language translations for popular health topics, sponsored by four health systems in Ohio. An award-winning site, it provides languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and Vietnamese. It also includes American Sign Language Information and many videos spoken in other tongues.
- Health Literacy ResourcesLow-literacy patient education information, health literacy toolkits, pamphlets and other resources developed by national organizations, associations and the federal government. Provided by the American Academy of Family Physicians.
- Interactive Health Tutorials from the Patient Education InstitutePresented by MedLine Plus. Click on the condition or subject of your choice. Variety of ways to download information.
- Lab Test OnlineA public resource about clinical lab testing.
- MedlinePlusSponsored by the U.S. National Institutes of Health/National Library of Medicine. Extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 900 diseases and conditions. There are directories, a medical encyclopedia and a medical dictionary, easy-to-understand tutorials on common conditions, tests, and treatments, health information in Spanish, extensive information on prescription and nonprescription drugs, health information from the media, and links to thousands of clinical trials. Highly recommended!
- National Women's Health Information CenterHealth information on more than 800 topics. Includes A - Z Health Topics, news, publications, newsletter, more.
- NOAHNew York Online Access to Health. Organized by librarians and health professionals in New York, provides access to high quality full-text consumer health information in English and Spanish that is accurate, timely, relevant and unbiased.
- Public Health Image DirectorySponsored by the CDC, includes photos, illustrations and videos provided for free use by health care providers, teachers, researchers, students and the public.
- SPIRAL (Select Patient Information Resources in Asian Languages)For Asian-speaking patients, health information is available in the following languages: Cambodian/Khmer, Chinese, English, Hmong, Korean, Lao, Thai, and Vietnamese. Medications and medication safety are two of the topics covered.
- United States Centers for Disease Control and PreventionPrimary federal agency for conducting and supporting public health activities in the US. This website provides links to resources about prevention, health promotion, statistics, health policy, and much more.
- UC Davis Health System/Center for Professional Practice of Nursing/Guidelines for Preparing Patient Education HandoutsExcellent guidelines designed to help nurses and other health-care professionals develop and evaluate patient education handouts.
- Web Sources for Patient Education HandoutsA list of English language and non-English language health information sites, very thorough, professional and up-to-date list provided by the Oregon Health and Science University Library.
- YourSurgery.com.auIn depth information about various surgeries.