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UL Lafayette Institutional Repository

A research guide for using and submitting to the University's institutional repository.

Versions of Articles

Those submitting content must check with publishers about copyright policies and what versions of a published work can be included in the repository. There are often three versions of published works:

  • preprints - manuscript version before peer-review
  • postprints - author's final version after peer-review, or "author's accepted version"
  • published - the publisher's version that includes their markup and formatting.

For more information on which versions are accepted for particular journals, visit Sherpa Romero.


SHERPA Example

Retrieved from: Sherpa Romero

Private and Confidential Information

Submitted materials, including data sets, must be free of restrictions and must not contain private, confidential, classified, or legally protected information. The depositor/contributor is responsible for reviewing materials and removing or redacting private, sensitive, classified, or confidential information or third-party copyrighted material. Any materials containing private, sensitive, confidential, classified, or copyrighted information may be subject to review and may not be accepted into the IR.

Review of Materials

IR administrators will review submitted materials for acceptable formatting and general adherence to research guidelines. However, it is the responsibility of the author to ensure that the submitted material reflects the research standards of the university, does not infringe on privacy and any other rights, protects confidentiality, has secured all copyright permissions, and, if sponsored or agency-supported, has met all obligations concerning the research, including peer review.


Materials accessed in the IR must be cited if published and/or distributed. Researchers should consult an appropriate style guide for adherence to specific guidelines.