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UL Lafayette Institutional Repository

A research guide for using and submitting to the University's institutional repository.

Use of IR Content

Use of IR content is for personal, research, educational, and non-commercial purposes. Users and researchers who access or attempt to access IR content assume full responsibility of how IR materials are used or re-used.

Formats and Forms

Materials included in the IR encompass all kinds of university scholarship and creative works:

  • Research articles
    • University and departmental publications
    • Student scholarship
  • Conference proceedings
  • Presentations
  • Art work
  • Images
  • Research data
  • Audio-visual recordings
    • Oral histories
    • Films
    • Music performances
  • University archives

These items may be born-digital (originally created in digital form) or digitally reformatted (created from physical forms). Any works created outside the university or without the guidance, sponsorship, observation, or approval of a university department, organization, or research center may not be accepted into the IR.

Acceptable Formats: PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, CSV, XML, HTML, PPT, JPEG, JP2, TIFF, WAV, AIFF, MP3, MP4, MOV, and citations.

Item Landing Page

When accessing an item in the IR, users will be directed to a landing page. On this page, users may either click on the thumbnail image or click the link to download the item. Users can also click the thumbnail to download the item. See a sample item landing page.

Metadata, information such as the title, people associated with the item, abstract, subject headings, and citation, is included underneath the item thumbnail.

Sample Metadata