Resources for Mechanical Engineering
- Introduction
- Find Articles
- Find Books
- Full Text Online Journals
- Internet & Other Resources
- Questions? Ask Us!
With much gratitude to the original creator of this guide, Sheryl Curry, Assistant Dean of Technical Services at the Edith Garland Dupré Library (retired).
Call: (337) 482-6025
Text: (337) 205-7558
Visit: 1st Floor - Dupré Library
Hours: Reference Desk/Chat
Note: Reference Chat and Email services are primarily for the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. The department will assist the public if the question concerns the University or some unique resource of Dupré Library, such as Federal government publications.

Dupré Library
Room 124
Students in the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Department of Mechanical Engineering belong to one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines. Mechanical engineers are involved in the design and development of mechanical applications that are applied to manufacturing, robotics, air conditioning, aerospace technologies and other devices using mechanical systems. The profession is becoming increasingly involved in the environmental and biomedical fields, such as the design of artificial prostheses. An education in mechanical engineering provides a wide range of professional opportunities, and the librarians at Edith Garland Dupré Library are eager to help prepare students by providing them with the resources they need for their education.
This guide will give you access to online databases, journals, books and web resources that will hopefully help you with your research needs. View the Links to Engineering Guides box for other areas of engineering covered in our Research Guides.
Getting Started
Use the following tabs to locate the various types of resources and information available in this guide.
- Find ArticlesFind information from current journals, magazines, newspapers and other sources on engineering. Includes search tools for Academic Search Complete and Google Scholar.
- Find BooksFind books and other resources in this list of print and online titles. Includes search tools for Dupré Library Catalog, Gale Virtual Reference Library and Google Books.
- Full Text Online JournalsPublication Finder and other journals.
- Internet & Other ResourcesIncludes general interest websites.