ENGL 350: YA Literature & Media
Call: (337) 482-6025
Email: reference@louisiana.edu
Text: (337) 205-7558
Visit: 1st Floor - Dupré Library
Hours: Reference Desk/Chat
Note: Reference Chat and Email services are primarily for the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. The department will assist the public if the question concerns the University or some unique resource of Dupré Library, such as Federal government publications.
![Profile Photo](http://d2jv02qf7xgjwx.cloudfront.net/accounts/148337/profiles/142979/Jen_at_Desk_-_300x300.jpg)
Room 153 (behind the mural in Reference)
About this Guide
This guide is to provide English 350 students with a research hub. Here you will find links to key resources and instructions to help you use Dupré Library resources.
If you need more help at any time, our friendly team of Reference Librarians is standing by ready to help! Ask a Librarian.
Searching JSTOR
The trick to searching JSTOR is to enter through our University's library website. If you go straight to JSTOR, the site will have no idea that you are a University of Louisiana at Lafayette student, and you will not have access to as many full-text articles.
For help, view the instructions in the following guide. If you need help, we're just a chat away—Ask a Librarian.
Start at the library home page <span class=""><i><b><a href="http://library.louisiana.edu" title="Link: http://library.louisiana.edu">http://library.louisiana.edu</a></b></i></span> and from the Research Menu, choose <span class=""><i><b>Find Articles</b></i></span>
Scroll down the page to the A-Z listing and Click <span class=""><i><b>J </b></i>for a list of all the library databases that start with J</span>
Click <span class="component"><i><b>JSTOR</b></i></span>
If you are off campus, you will see a login screen. Enter your university email user name and password.
Now you are logged in and ready to <span><i><b>Search JSTOR! </b></i></span>
Searching Project MUSE
Anyone can search Project MUSE, but you may be asked to pay for articles unless you enter through our University's library website. View the following guide for a step-by-step description of how to log in. If you need help, a librarian who can help you find articles is just a chat away—use the ASK US! chat box!
From the library website <b><i>library.louisiana.edu</i></b> click <span class=""><i><b>Find Articles</b></i></span>
Scroll down to the alphabet and click the letter <span class=""><i><b>P </b></i>for Project Muse.</span>
Click <span class="component"><i><b>Project Muse</b></i></span>
If you are asked to log in, use your university email username and password. Click <span class=""><i><b>Login</b></i></span>
You are now in Project Muse! Enter a search word or two in the bar at the top and click <span class=""><i><b>search button</b></i>.</span>
Type **** in <span class="component"><i><b>search term</b></i></span> and Press Enter
That's it. You're done.