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Resources for Psychology
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Selected Reference Works
- DSM-5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision ** This link opens in a new windowThe standard diagnostic tool used by mental health professionals worldwide to diagnose mental disorders.
- Statistical Abstract of the United StatesA comprehensive collection of statistics covering the social, political, and economic environment of the United States.
- Encyclopedia of Psychology (Wiley)
- BF31 .E52 1994 (Reference area, 1st Floor)
- Encyclopedia of Psychology (Oxford)
- BF31 .E554 2000 (Reference area, 1st Floor)
- Dictionary of Person-Centered Psychology
- RC481 .T83 2002 (2nd Floor stacks)
- Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents and the Media
- HQ784. M3 E53 2007 (Reference area, 1st Floor)
- Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol & Addictive Behavior
- HV5804 .E53 2001 (Reference area, 1st Floor)
- Doing Psychology: An Introduction to Research Methodology and Statistics
- BF76.5 .H38 1998 (3rd Floor stacks)
- The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences
- BF311 .M556 1999 (3rd Floor stacks)
- Annual Review of Psychology
- BF30 .A56 (3rd Floor stacks)
- Psychological Bulletin
- BF1 .P75 (3rd Floor stacks)
Key Research and Study Skills in Psychology
Includes sections on good essay writing, writing reports, and good writing skills.