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About Databases
A library database is an online searchable collection of information. Libraries buy subscriptions to databases so you can find research and information on a variety of topics.
Library databases contain tons of information:
- scholarly peer-reviewed articles
- newspaper articles
- trade publications
- book reviews
- magazine articles
- dissertations/theses
While you can find great information by searching in Google, library databases are much better at finding the scholarly sources you need to conduct your research and complete your assignments!
Database Terms
Here are some terms you will encounter while searching in library databases.
- Abstract: An abstract is a brief summary of an article.
- Full-text: A complete electronic copy of an article. These articles are available for download or can be saved or printed.
- Peer-reviewed: Articles that are peer-reviewed have been examined by experts in a field of discipline who ensure the quality of the work being presented. Also referred to as refereed or scholarly.
- Source: The source is the title of the journal, magazine or newspaper the article was published in. You will need this information for your paper's references page.
Interdisciplinary Databases
Search nearly every resource available to the library at once. Narrow down results from a variety of source types and subjects using limiters like Full Text, Publication Date, and Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals.
Search Books, Databases, and More
Search this specific database using the same interface and limiter options as Library Search. Includes content from most disciplines.
Find articles and chapter titles from most disciplines in this popular database.
Find definitions and background information in this database of specialized dictionaries and encyclopedias. Great for gathering background information and borrowing search terms to use in Library Search or other databases.