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Resources for UNIV 100

Accessing Full Text Articles

Different Methods to Access Full Text Articles

Need help finding the full text of an article? Try the different methods below.


  • Click the “Full Text” option when searching to limit results to only show articles that have full text availability.

Full Text Finder

  • Full Text Finder links you to the full text of an article. Sometimes Full Text Finder lists multiple options. Usually the first listed link works.

Title Search

  • Perform an Advanced Search using all or part of the article’s title to find alternative full text entries for the same article. Do not include any punctuation in the title search.
  • Search Google or Google Scholar using all or part of the article’s title to find Open Access sources.

View Full Record

  • Click on the title of an article to view the full record of the article.
    • The full record will show which database and journal the article is located in. Search within the specific database or journal for the article.
    • The full record may have a direct link to the article.

Open Access / Free Online

Ask a Librarian

  • Librarians are here to support you and your research. There are several methods to contact a librarian if you need any assistance such as:
    • Using the library chat box for immediate assistance
    • Emailing the Education Librarian
      • Tiffany Ellis,

Interlibrary Loan

  • First time users must set up an ILLiad account.
  • If full text is not immediately available, you can request the item through Interlibrary Loan by:
    • Clicking the “Request this item through Interlibrary Loan” link to auto populate a request for the article
      • -OR-
    • Manually entering the request in your ILLiad account

What is a Database?

A-Z Databases List

Interlibrary Loan

What is Interlibrary Loan?

Dupré Library's Interlibrary Loan service provides students and faculty with access to research articles and books not already available through the library's databases, journal subscriptions, and catalog. If Dupré Library does not own a book or journal article that you need, we'll order it for you from another institution through Interlibrary Loan.

How do I use Interlibrary Loan?

  • To use Interlibrary Loan, you'll need to register for an account, which is separate from your regular library account. Once your account has been verified, you can begin ordering materials through Interlibrary Loan.
  • You'll need your Cajun Card number to complete your registration for Interlibrary Loan.
Your Cajun Card number is exactly the same as your ULID (the number you use to log in to Moodle), except it starts with the number 3, rather than the letter C. So, for example, if your ULID is C00123456, your Cajun Card number is 300123456.
  • Interlibrary Loan requests are $2 per article and must be paid in Cajun Cash. You can deposit funds onto your Cajun Card online through ULink.

ULink Cajun Card deposit funds screenshot


Interlibrary Loan is only available to current University of Louisiana at Lafayette faculty, staff, retirees, and graduate students who are engaged in serious research and who are in good standing with Dupré Library.

Before using ILL, read:

The Interlibrary Loan Department conducts all transactions in accordance with the Louisiana Interlibrary Loan Code, the National Interlibrary Loan Code, and U. S. Copyright regulations. Materials obtained through Interlibrary Loan are for the exclusive use of the individual submitting and/or signing the application. The individual borrower is responsible for any infringement of the Copyright Law regarding materials on loan from other libraries.