Resources for Health Promotion and Wellness
Accessing Full Text Articles
Different Methods to Access Full Text Articles
Need help finding the full text of an article? Try the different methods below.
- Click the “Full Text” option when searching to limit results to only show articles that have full text availability.
Full Text Finder
- Full Text Finder links you to the full text of an article. Sometimes Full Text Finder lists multiple options. Usually the first listed link works.
Title Search
- Perform an Advanced Search using all or part of the article’s title to find alternative full text entries for the same article. Do not include any punctuation in the title search.
- Search Google or Google Scholar using all or part of the article’s title to find Open Access sources.
View Full Record
- Click on the title of an article to view the full record of the article.
Open Access / Free Online
- Some articles are Open Access and freely available online. There are several Chrome extensions that help find Open Access sources.
Ask a Librarian
- Librarians are here to support you and your research. There are several methods to contact a librarian if you need any assistance such as:
- Using the library chat box for immediate assistance
- Emailing the Education Librarian
- Tiffany Ellis,
Interlibrary Loan
- First time users must set up an ILLiad account.
- If full text is not immediately available, you can request the item through Interlibrary Loan by:
- Clicking the “Request this item through Interlibrary Loan” link to auto populate a request for the article
- -OR-
- Manually entering the request in your ILLiad account
- Clicking the “Request this item through Interlibrary Loan” link to auto populate a request for the article
Quantitative and Qualitative Articles
To find quantitative or qualitative articles use a methodology term as one of your keywords.
For example - inclusion AND college AND phenomenological
Possible keywords include the type of study, data analysis type, or terminology used to describe the results.
Example quantitative keywords | Example qualitative keywords |